Wednesday, September 9, 2009


That's different huh? The title, I mean. In Greek, it is pronounced Charis. In English, it is grace. I kind of want to get it tattooed. Or maybe Kyrios and Doulos, one on each arm. That would be pretty cool too.

Anyway, the purpose of the title... (if you're a frequent reader, this title may not be as specific as you are used to)

I just recently read The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges. It's a fantastic read as it looks to the Gospel as a justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying process that is at work in us constantly. Fortunately, I have begun to understand this Gospel in a much deeper light, especially over this summer, and really in the past few days.

Actually... instead of writing all this out and vomiting my unorganized thoughts onto the world wide web... I'll leave you with this.

χάρις makes me a δοῦλος to the one true κύριος.

Monday, September 7, 2009

RIP Paul "Furnie" Kim

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the realization of truth.

Here's what I'm realizing.

Generally, our struggles begin with this statement: There can be no one, no thing, no idea better than you.

But, here's the truth: There's no one, no thing, no idea that is better than you.

Spot the difference?

I struggle with this too. Jesus, help me see you as a reality, not a possibility.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Paradoxically Good Day.

I woke up miserably this morning. Which isn't exactly a rare occurrence. Let me explain:

After spending this weekend at retreat, learning and being convicted by the holiness of God and seeing how much He desires for me to be holy through Christ as well, I was thoroughly convicted of so much sin that I had left creeping around in the dark corners of my mind and heart.

Now, I think I've gotten to a point where I understand that there can be no real change in living free of sin aside from a continual preaching of the Gospel to myself and a continual hope only in Christ.

But, usually, on days like today, my sin is more than I can bear because the first thought on my mind is my prideful sin (notice the emphasis on the I).

Want to know what made today different?

I began to understand what God's desire actually means in application. I am free of such sin by the grace of God shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am holy because He has made me such. But not completely yet.

What does that mean? I can live freely, bound only to God and His love and grace. I can hope, only in the revelation of Jesus Christ.

And today, I was able to experience this firsthand. Man, did it make a difference in my day.

It was a really good day.