Sunday, February 1, 2009

rebuke me john piper. and pastor arnold.

"Christ is to be cherished.  Not just chosen."
-  John Piper, When I Don't Desire God

I have fallen gravely into a trap.  to become full of duty and false humility.  and i'm so glad that pastor arnold's sermon today and john piper's book is continually showing me how superficial my faith can be at times.

today, arnold reminded me of my false sense of humility.  let's just say our praise band was asked to do something very out of the ordinary, by opening for a well known Christian band.  my first reaction was, "wtfreak?  we're not good enough to open for so-and-so."  but today, as arnold preached against the "what would Jesus do" mentality, focusing instead on "walking with Jesus daily," he reminded me that i should always be having that sense of "i'm not good enough, but Jesus makes me worthy" every sunday i come to play drums and sing praises to my King. 

dang.  how much do i focus on my "doing" of good works instead of being to live in enjoyment of God's justifying and sanctifying work in me through the good times and bad?

praise God for an awesome sunday.  =)

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