Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Demise of Meaning.

Quote from Stephon Marbury regarding his return to playing in the NBA as a Boston Celtic:
"It went the way I was praying for it to go."

This is only one example of how the truth of words has been pushed aside by postmodern thinking. In my opinion, words no longer carry the weight of meaning that God meant them to be. Let me argue this point first and foremost from the Bible.

From the beginning, when God created the world, all of what God set forth was by words. He brought light ex nihilo (out of nothing) by pure words. "Let there be light." The proclamation of his law was by words in written form. God warned the Israelites by the words of his prophets. Jesus spoke words of life to both Jew and Gentile alike. Paul encouraged the churches by the written word.

And every single word carried the weight of God's divine inspiration through the Holy Spirit for Scripture.

As the example listed above illustrates, empty words threaten the very way that God has communicated His love for us. (note: i'm not trying to blast on Marbury for he may have very done exactly what he said) It is quite possible that the word "prayed" means "hoped for, or wished for," not "an offering up to God of our requests and petitions." Other examples of this are the words love, faith, grace, joy, truth, holiness, and many more. Each of these words are all given an incredible amount of meaning by God. Unfortunately, postmodern thought has pushed out the true meaning of these words and replaced the meaning with our own finite meaning of these words, therefore making meaning just as relative to the speaker as the listener. Even a worldly standard of truth in meaning, dictionaries, are left sitting on bookshelves collecting dust.

What's the point? Words and their meanings incredibly important. These words and meanings must be derived from the ultimate source of authority and truth, God through His written word. Seriously.

"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." - Ephesians 5:6.

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