Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jesus had a sense of humor.

he really did. check this out.




ChosenCho said...

jesus definitely had a sense of humor for sure.
i only listend to some of this cause its hella long but interesting stuff

mkae said...

LOL, you said hella cho. dang. ew. hahaha

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you listen to and who you are hearing it from.
This is not humor.
This is a man putting humor into the Bible. Interpreting the Bible in his own "humurous" perspective.
The question you have to ask yourself is did the original authors really write these stories (every example Mark Driscoll uses) for a humorous purpose?
I doubt it.
This is Mark's reinterpretation of the Bible to prove that the Bible is humorous. His jokes about the Bible are not Jokes in the Bible instead they are his Biblical stories retold with his jokes.