Saturday, February 20, 2010

broken down.

i'm back from blogging hiatus. intentional or not (i'm not sure why i stopped), these past few weeks have been some of the most interestingly uninteresting weeks of my life. here's why:

I started work a few weeks ago. Part-time, decent pay, small company, unknown industry. As a salesman, I'm pretty much the bane of every company out there. I ask them if they want to buy stuff from us. And, given the current state of the economy, it's not just annoying for them to hear me out; it's completely absurd. I've been hung up on more times than I can count. My fingers are sore from dialing so many numbers (actually, more from bowling). And I can't seem to figure out exactly what my boss wants me to do.

That's uninteresting. I know. I'm rereading the lines above and realized I tried to use every literary device I know (3?) to get you to become interested.

Here's why this seemingly uninteresting past couple of weeks have been interesting.

Ever since our new pastor came to our church, I've struggled to come to grips with his message. A message of complete submission and surrender to Jesus Christ. Initially, I brushed it off as "typical Master's Seminary preaching." But realistically, it became apparent why I was so quick to brush it off.

The gospel is a hard pill to swallow, even for regenerate believers. It reminds us that we are unable to manufacture "goodness" (goodness is quoted because, in today's postmodern world, it's relativized). The only good is Christ who lives in us. Every part of our flesh yearns for wicked, carnal cravings, even when saved. The difference when saved is that we, by the power of the Holy Spirit, are given the opportunity to turn from wickedness to Godliness. And in many ways, I began to see that blogging was somewhat of an extension of my attempt to manufacture Godliness instead of humbly submitting to Christ as the only good that God accepts.

This has played out in many ways. And I'm not particularly in the mood to go through them. But I will share this much. Christ wants all of me. Every bone in my body, every thought in my head, every desire in my heart. He wants me to make all of these his.

Who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to Jesus Christ, our Lord.


johncadengo said...

A phrase I steal from Paul: Take captive every thought for Jesus Christ.

I enjoyed this post Michael. :). But I am unsure what literary devices you employed, haha.

vivian. said...

I also enjoyed this post Michael. And I am also unsure what literary devices you employed.

We still need to meet up soon.

vivian. said...

By the way, the word verification for that comment read: rednex.

I thought that was funny.
