After spending this weekend at retreat, learning and being convicted by the holiness of God and seeing how much He desires for me to be holy through Christ as well, I was thoroughly convicted of so much sin that I had left creeping around in the dark corners of my mind and heart.
Now, I think I've gotten to a point where I understand that there can be no real change in living free of sin aside from a continual preaching of the Gospel to myself and a continual hope only in Christ.
But, usually, on days like today, my sin is more than I can bear because the first thought on my mind is my prideful sin (notice the emphasis on the I).
Want to know what made today different?
I began to understand what God's desire actually means in application. I am free of such sin by the grace of God shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am holy because He has made me such. But not completely yet.
What does that mean? I can live freely, bound only to God and His love and grace. I can hope, only in the revelation of Jesus Christ.
And today, I was able to experience this firsthand. Man, did it make a difference in my day.
It was a really good day.
Galatians 3:10-13
Yeah I totally feel you. That's why I posted up on twitter that I have a lot of idols that need breaking down. And it's not that I'm living in this self-condemnation, you know? Yes, I am much more aware of my sin now, but along with my sin is the call to be holy... I know that I am not bound by my sin and my sin no longer identifies who I am. I am a child of God, and this makes me free...and so I have hope! Good stuff Mkae. Hey, I have this something that I want to talk to you about. For some reason, God is leading me to talk to you. Maybe I could be wrong. Anyway... let's chat soon!
@saehoon what am i looking for in those verses? that holiness is not of the law but of Christ?
we are free! :) to do what we want as long as we believe and love Jesus
mmmm, maybe...
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